When I was living at home and younger, I remember my mom would make spaghetti sauce and freeze it for future meals. Sometimes, when we would heat it up we would forget to stir it, and, even if it was in the microwave for thirty minutes, there would be some of the sauce that would not defrost. Can you imagine how unpleasant it is to find a block of ice-solid spaghetti sauce in your spaghettis sauce?
Well, this is where my flexibility is right now. It's like there is this block of ice inside of me that won't defrost. I've been doing alot of stretching, but I'm not much closer to doing any kid of stretch that would impress anyone (e.g. nose to the floor while sitting on my butt, etc.)
Am I upset abot this? No, not really. I realize after years of ignoring my flexibility training, I'm not going to turn into some super-stretchy Yogi in three months.

The key thing to remember is I'm getting alot of cool stretching techniques that, when done at the beginning of my workout, warm me up and make my workout go alot smoother. And, in the end, I will still be a bit more stretchier than I was when I started.
More tomorrow,
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