I live in Japan, remember.
Last night, my wife and I went to see Prince or Persia: The Sands of Time. In the movie, a prince discovers a dagger which can rewind time. The movie is based on a video game which I played for ten minutes on the Playstation 2 and alot longer on the PC years ago. As it was a video game movie, I went in with low expectations, and I'm pleased to say I really enjoyed it. Having also seen the newest version of Clash of the Titans, I felt Prince of Persia was better from a character standpoint.
But, I digress. The main reason I bring this up is because after the movie my wife asked me the question that inevitably comes up after any time travel movie. "If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?" Now, being a sci-fi fan and having seen Time travel movies before, I used to always have an answer to this question. But, for the first time, I didn't.
As sci-fi has shown us, if you change even one little thing in the past, you endanger the present as it exixts. And, for me that means endangering meeting my wife and having my son--the two most important moments in my life. And, of course, these moments woud not have happened if all the moments before them hadn't happened the way they did. So, for the first time in my life, I realize I would not change a thing. I suppose if I had to be picky, I'd go back over my son's life and double check that I didn't do anything to mess him up, but that's all. My life, I would leave be.
This conclusion has larger implications on my outlook on life than one might imagine because it means that everything I regret from my past or any grudges I'm still holding against people who hurt me in the past have been placed in a new perspective. Without them happening as they did, I would not be where I am now or who I am now.
Are there things I wish I could change? Yes, but not in the altering time sense of things. I've made my choices.
So, to all who have hurt me in the past, I forgive you. And, for all the stupid things I've done in my life, I forgive myself. For, without these things, terrible as they might be, I would not be what I am or have what I have now. This realization has taken alot of weight of my shoulders and made me feel wiser in the process.
Pretty deep effect for a video game movie to trigger, but there it is.
More tomorrow,
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