Patrick has given us our custom diets for the PCP, and I find myself rather pleased as it is not so different from how I eat now.
While I have had some processed food here and there (no Doritoes though!) and carbs at night since the PCP, the majority of my meals follow the concept of eating like a prince in the morning, a king in the afternoon, and a pauper at night. With the exception of weekeneds and holidays, my work week dinners have been little more than yogurt and salads. I get home pretty late from work so a big dinner just won't do. I save my "dinner" for my morning meal.
One of the lessons of the PCP really stuck with me--the idea that food is energy. In the usual three meals a day attitude, we take in so much energy at our evening meal and them we don't use it--(e.g.we sit and watch TV). So, what does all that food become? Fat of course. I'm oversimplifying perhaps, but you get the idea. I've been able to successfully maintain my post PCP weight thanks to adhering to this truth.
I'm also quite pleased milk is so prominent on my diet this time around. I never gave it up after the PCP and it has become one of my not-so-guilty little pleasures.

More tomorrow,
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