Hey all,
I've completed my first week on the KFB and right now it's coming across the same way a brussel sprout does to a five year old kid. I'm not very fond of it, but I eat it anyway because (my inner parent says) its good for me.
Is this the fault of the program? No way. Rather, I see it as a benifit of the program. During the PCP, I faced alot of bad habits and character flaws I formed over the years and helped me conquer them--well most of them--heh. But now, the Kung Fu body has exposed a whole new set of bad habits and flaws in my character and forced me to face them.
Currently, The Kung-fu body:
Tries my patience (revelas my impatience).
Makes me question its application to everyday life (I need more health wisdom).
Makes my feel snarky (exposes my immaturity).
Brings pain to muscles the PCP did not. (Shows physical weakness I didn't know I had and make me stare my posture problem right in the face).
I guarantee I'm going to whine an complain like that five year old I mentioned above for a while more, but I'm going to see this through because I know the person I will be at the end of the journey will be a far better one than I am now. Don't ever mistake my whining for resignation!
And now, for a complete non-sequitur. Today is Pac-Man's 30th birthday!

More tomorrow,
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