Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 43: Very little love

Hey all,

I had almost no love from the exercise gods today. My balance was off, and my muscles quit on me alot sooner than they have in the past. My ping pong ball kicked my ass with a sharp blow to the forehead, and my J-rope gave me lashes. heh.

The only place I had any success today were my push-ups and--can't believe I'm going to write this--my side crunches. Stretching was fine. I like the happy baby.

Gotte get to work.

More tomorrow,



  1. some days good, some days, not so much!

    Hang in there!

  2. The worst PCP injury I've had was when I tried to set up a resistance band on a hook with no dangly thing. A huge snap and a lash across the back. Anyway, we'll meet in about three weeks hopefully. Stay genki!

  3. "Happy baby" is a lot fun!
